Monday, March 16, 2009


had to add a little bling for spring in my living room.
mom got me this adorable little candy dish at our favorite and secret little second hand story {otherwise known as goodwill. love.}
it's full of easter candy that is so off limits, so hopefully my kids will eat it before temptation takes over.
went out to blackberry junction with maxine and jessie after work on friday.
found these great little stuffed pears for only $3.50 each. so, so cute.

after i left i couldn't help but run to costco to buy fresh flowers for the house. the yellow tulips were beautiful, so i couldn't just leave them sitting there....i had to get them.

this cute little platter was calling my name at blackberry too. i could just picture fresh baked cinnamon rolls on it for easter morning. yes, believe it or not i do bake. contrary to popular belief. i bake. i don't cook.

and come on now....i had to have the fabulous amy butler quilt that was hanging on the wall at check out. it matched all of my green and turquoise dishes on my hutch perfectly. she needed a good home and i was glad to give it to her.

and finally.....while at costco rescuing the yellow tulips these poor little white roses were calling out to me as well. my pitcher on my dining room table was so empty and needed a little company.
feels so good to come home to my fresh and springy living room.


Susanne P. said...

everything looks great. i love the quilt! before you told me i thought your mom made the pears. very cute.

i never seem to buy fresh flowers. i should try it i guess.

Jessie Brown said...

Oooooh cute and cozy! I think I am going to hit Blackberry today when I need an escape...which I'm almost there! :)

Sunny said...

I love all of it!