Friday, November 20, 2009

{twilight love}

new moon officially came out at midnight last night.
although i was still wide awake at midnight, i didn't go to the showing.
i was all tucked into bed listening to the rain fall dreaming about the
party jessie and i were going to throw for the girls at work the next day.

she and i both have been scouring websites looking for ideas for this party.
there are some really good resources.

jess made the great cupcakes with black frosting and red sugar sprinkles.

we put labels on water bottles. obviously red jones soda would have been even better,
but we were on a budget and the water was free!

the wearwolf kibble was a hit and was gone right off the bat.
i suppose i will need to make some sort of "snow" something or other
for everyone at christmas.

we held a twilight confessional drawing.
the winner will receive an "i love vampires"
wallet. we have yet to draw the winner.
i will post their confessions tomorrow.

red licorice

hot tamales and swedish fish

fun little gift bags with black or red polish, vampire kiss lip gloss, and a twilight bracelet.
everyone could either be on team jacob or team edward.
everyone wore their favorite sticker all day.
we also had red candles flickering in the room with all of the lights turned off and had "twilight" playing on the new flat screen in the board room.
here's janie and megan in their new moon t-shirts.
they are gonna go see the movie tonight after the middle school dance.
it was so fun to do for everyone. i will post resources tomorrow because there are some good ones and i want to give everyone credit.

1 comment:

Missy said...

what a great party. I wish I could have come :( You guys did an awesome job. great ideas.......