Wednesday, May 13, 2009

{catching up with the kids}

i love to blog, so when it has been a couple of days {or weeks} since you have seen me, you know i have been way too busy. just wanted to catch everyone up on what has been going on with our busy little lives. miss maddie lou ran in the hershey's track meet last week and qualified for the state meet in july. she ran the 800 {which she had never run before....or even trained for}. so proud of her. she did a great job!

we had our final volleyball tournament last weekend at oregon state university. that's madison {52} in the white jersey. she is the labero on the team, thus the odd ball uniform. very fitting for our little odd ball maddie! the girls all got their coach a shirt that said "shawn's benches" with a list of all of their names funny. "shawn's benches....instead of shawn's b**ches." i love it. some of you may not get the humor, but i absolutely love it.

here she is with paige and zoe....always a goof ball. we were getting ready to go eat at mcmenamins and the three of them were doing the "ho down, throw down" by miley cyrus singing at the top of their lungs. they had a ball.

zachary had his first junior/senior prom last weekend. it was in salem at the reed opera house. he said it was the best dance he has ever been to. he went with meg {of course} and his friend jake and his girlfriend courtney.

the kids looked so cute. zac drove everyone in the hummer and they all went to eat at a new restaurant called "bentley's."

took lots of cute pics and will try and get some more up when i have more time.
i literally have nothing to eat in the house except for pop tarts and apples. the whole family {except me and the dog} just left to go to western oregon for the state track meet. i need to get motivated to do a little shopping.

zac is rocking it in more win and south will make it to the playoffs for the first time in the school's history. more on that later.

need to get the food situation under control.


Mrs Anne said...

yay for an amazing family
and an equally amazing YOU!


Sunny said...

You have been a busy momma! Hope you had a great mother's day and we need to catch up sometime! Love ya!