Wednesday, September 3, 2008

{blog surfing}

{jessie} was asking me yesterday for some new blog inspiration. here is what a thought you might enjoy today. have a wonerful weekend with your friends and family.
see you on monday, jess.
heather bailey is a really cool designer. you would love her stuff.

the barn house boys. such cuties. if i could have a {flea market} business....this would be it.

this is my friend kathy. she has this amazing little business in the back of her house. we bought a ton of stuff from her for sadie's when i was the buyer. she will be at coburg next week. you would love her. home schools all her kids. amazing....

and finally....the graphic designer in you will love this site.

have fun jess....and anyone else who might be looking.


Jessie Brown said...

Ohmygoodness!! I am freaking out! I am going to have so much fun with these sites!! Thank you!! :)

Missy said...

did you have a good day off today??? Did you make granola and acorns and light candles and nest??? I hope so.