Tuesday, June 3, 2008

{mutin chops}

i just googled mutin chops so i could show you all of the famous celebrities with them.....
it doesn't even recognize the word!!
is that an adaptor for your phone, or is that your mutin chop????
......but, you know we still love ya.


Sunny said...

He still is the best lookin' guy around! Love him!

{marie} said...

....i have to agree. he looks pretty cute, but don't tell him we think so. that will just encourage him.

Missy said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..

Missy said...

google "lamb chop" and see what you can find..........ha ha ha (who took this picture?)

{marie} said...

i think the photographer might be miss sunny sunshine.

{marie} said...

i think the photographer might be miss sunny sunshine.