Monday, May 19, 2008

{chelsea in the house}

The Boys & Girls Club of Albany will be among the stops for Chelsea Clinton today during a campaign visit on behalf of her mother, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.Her Albany visit, the day before the last day to vote in Oregon’s primary election, is scheduled for 5 p.m. at the club, 1215 Hill St. S.E.“We got a phone call last night saying they would like to come visit a place that had kids,” said Kambria Hunter, the club’s special events director. “We’re really excited. It was a surprise to us.”Clinton will not deliver a campaign talk for her mother, Hunter added. “She just wants to meet the kids and their parents.”The club has about 3,000 members, said Sunny Duffy, branch director.Between 5 and 6 p.m. today, when Clinton is scheduled to be there, the club’s scheduled activites include a volleyball practice and the dedication of a new garden for a youth garden club.Clinton’s visit is among a daylong tour that includes stops in Keizer, Eugene and Springfield.After leaving Albany, she’ll wrap up the day with a 7 p.m. appearance in Portland, greeting volunteers at the Clinton campaign’s Portland headquarters, 32 N.W. Fifth Ave.The Albany City Council had planned to have its Monday afternoon work session at the Boys & Girls club today so members could tour new facilities there, but the Chelsea visit changed the plans. The council will meet at City Hall instead, as usual, starting at 4, city spokeswoman Marylin Smith said.Democrat-Herald

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